Urban And Regional Planning
National Diploma
National Diploma
On behalf of staff in the department of urban & regional planning, I here welcome the new students into this amiable academic environment. I want to assure you all that the choice you have made to undertake this program will enhance and develop your lives independently.
Urban ®ional planning as a program is designed to promote technical manpower, capable of assisting professional planners in their duties. Specifically, the products of this program should be able to understand the nature and purpose of physical planning at the national, regional state and local levels. The program is also geared towards understanding the nature and scale of urban and rural problems and the planning approaches to their solutions.
One of the major features of contemporary urbanization in Nigeria as elsewhere in the developing world is the incidence of Urban Sprawl and other forms of disorderly development. The city has continued to expand rather rapidly from the core into the surrounding countryside. Modern transportation and communication have encouraged the rapid spread of low-density development so that sharp boundaries between city and countryside may not exist within the foreseeable future. With more and more rural dwellers migrating to the urban centers in search of jobs that are in very short supply, the overall pressure on urban land and social amenities and services is on the increase.
The need to create more livable and balanced environment which will be sustainable in both urban and rural areas where people can work, relax, fell safe and secure, calls for serious planning efforts at the national, state, and local levels. These efforts cannot crystallize into meaningful results without adequately trained manpower of various cadre technicians, technologists and professionals.
The ND programme in Urban and Regional Planning (URP) are concerned as part of the efforts to produce the technician categories of the nations manpower requirements for solving the problems identified above.
Goals and objectives
The programme is designed to produce technical manpower in urban and regional planning capable of assisting professional planners in their duties. Specifically the products of the programme should be able to:
Understand the nature and purpose of physical planning at the national regional state and local levels.
Understand the forms and structure of urban and rural settlement for sustainable development.
Understand the nature and scale of urban and rural problems and the planning approaches to their solutions.
Appreciate the elementary social economic and basis of planning.
Demonstrate adequate skills in the basic techniques of land use planning (surveys site planning, subdivision, computer application, etc.).
Demonstrate a working ability in a verbal written and design communication.
Candidates who desire to be admitted into the programme should possess.
Four GCE ‘O’ level or WASC or SSCE with credit passes in relevant subjects to the programme i.e Mathematics and English Language, one subject from Chemistry, Physics, Biology/ Agricultural Science, Fine Art,
Four credit passes in relevant subjects obtained at the final examination of an NBTE recognized Preliminary offer in a Polytechnic or similar post-secondary Technical Institution on a four passes in subject relevant to the Programme.
Programme Structure
The National Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning is a two year programme of four semesters, each of 15 weeks duration. A minimum of 4 months of Supervised Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is required at the first year NDI
Curriculum Structure
ND Programme
The structure of the ND programme consists of four semesters of classroom laboratory/ studio and workshop activities in the polytechnic and a semester (3-4 months) of supervised industrial work experience scheme (SIWES). Each semester shall be of 17 weeks duration made up as follows:
15 contact weeks of teaching i.e recitation, practical exercises, quizzes, test and 2 weeks for examinations and registration.
We are pleased to announce to the public that the application form for 2024/2025 academic session is now on sale.
Students with at least 5 credit units in their O-level result are eligible to apply.