We are pleased to announce to the public that the application form for 2024/2025 academic session is now on sale.
Students with at least 5 credit units in their O-level result are eligible to apply.

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The school of business studies have programmes offered in the various departments. All the programmes are available at the National Diploma (ND) Level. Accountancy, Administration and Public Administration, in the (HND) Level.
The programmes currently available in the school of business studies includes:
Each programme offered at the ND level, have to be accredited the NBTE, before the National Diploma Certificate can be awarded.
Departments offering accredited programmes, will award the National Diploma Certificate to candidates who have successfully completed the programme course work, after passing the prescribed examinations, diploma project and the supervised Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). Such candidate most have completed a minimum of between 72 and 82 semester credit units, depending on the programme.
Diploma certificates will be classified as follows:
Transcripts(s) showing all the courses taken and grade obtained the students will be issued together with the certificate(s).
The aim of the national diploma in Accountancy is to produce a middle level manpower who can effectively perform a range of functions in the field of Accountancy, Insurance, Banking and in Financial Institute
The graduates of the ND Accounting Programme should be able to:
The National Diploma Pgrogramme in business Administration is aimed at producing diplomats with sound theoretical and practice knowledge to carry out a number of activities in a business concern effectively. The aims include:
The National Diploma in Public Administration is designed to produce middle level manpower required for the running of efficient and effective administration in the public and private service
It is expected that a graduates of this programme should be able to:
We are pleased to announce to the public that the application form for 2024/2025 academic session is now on sale.
Students with at least 5 credit units in their O-level result are eligible to apply.