This page is created for students interaction on matters that may require response, Messages, complain, inquiry or points for discussion. All messages sent on this page are subject to the approval of Edo Poly before they appear on this page. Thanks.
This page is created for students interaction on matters that may require response, Messages, complain, inquiry or points for discussion. All messages sent on this page are subject to the approval of Edo Poly before they appear on this page. Thanks.
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Alayande Glory
7 months ago
Please how can I change my student portal password
Visit the student portal login page to reset your password, a new password would be sent to your email box, if you find it difficult to do, please, visit the polytechnic ICT Centre. Thanks.
Elijah oluwaseun oladipupo
8 months ago
How can I get a part time form
With old school certificate
No, we are currently in the second semester in the academic calendar, sales of form for new session begins around September, please check by then. Thanks.
Sir please since last year October I was offered admission but sadly because of financial situations I couldn’t pay my acceptance fee or make other payments. Would it be possible to still make my acceptance fee payment
Try to be available for screening by next week Tuesday
1 year ago
Please o I need help after applying to the school what’s next
1 year ago
i have just been offered admission on jamb caps from edo poly and i didnt choose the school, i accepted the admission and proceeded to fill the form after paying N5000. i don’t know what next to do
Login to your portal with the same credential that was sent to your mail during your application process.
1 year ago
Hello good day everyone, I’ve a Diploma certificate in Computer science From Iya Abubakar at Ahmadu Bello University. Do I still need Jamb before applying the school ?
If the Diploma program you did lasted for at least 2 years and JAMB was required at the point of entry, then you may proceed to Higher National Diploma (HND) with us.
1 year ago
Do you need jamb to apply for the admission in Edo poly
Good day sir. On my jamb portal it says I haven’t been offered admission and my jamp caps page shows nothing. On the student portal I’ve already been offered professional admission, should I go ahead and pay my acceptance fee and other fees while jamb hasn’t offered me admission yet🤧
Yes go ahead if you have chosen Edo poly as your first choice with JAMB, then make sure you upload your o level result to JAMB portal for quick processing, your JAMB admission letter is important at the point of your final clearance in our school. Thanks.
1 year ago
How can I start my online clearance it is showing Mr to input Activation code how am I going to get that na which kind school be this self
Okay good morning Sir so sorry about that is just that no instructions to follow on how to do things on the website… And besides when is the school resuming lectures for new students I live far away so I want to know so I can bring my things..
Lectures resumes for the new intakes on Monday, 18th, September, 2023.
You can do everything you need to do as a student through your student’s portal.
You can get your student’s portal detail by login into with the same detail that was sent to your mail during registration.
If you are finding anything difficult to do, You can resume to school, provided that you have been offered an admission, we can help you when you visit ICT unit in the school.
Note that if you are not able to book your hostel before leaving for school, you will need to arrive during the day so that it can be done for you in ICT, if you need any other info, please ask. Thanks.
Okay but I don’t want to stay inside school I will get an apartment off campus must I still book for accomodations and what about the Activation code how do I get it
2 semesters make an academic session, an academic session runs within a year, 3 academic sessions make 3 years of the whole program. You have 3 years to spend as a part time student for your ND program and 3 years also for HND. Note that this is not the same for full time programs.
Omeje Sandra
1 year ago
Will the school help student to change their date of birth if there’s mistake
Please how can I change my student portal password
Visit the student portal login page to reset your password, a new password would be sent to your email box, if you find it difficult to do, please, visit the polytechnic ICT Centre. Thanks.
How can I get a part time form
With old school certificate
Please CLICK HERE to apply.
Pls is the part_time form for ND out
No, we are currently in the second semester in the academic calendar, sales of form for new session begins around September, please check by then. Thanks.
Please when is HND form likely to be on sales??
Please how do I apply for HND program?? Though i did my ND program at former Delta state polytechnic Ozoro…
Through our website, sales of form begins in September.
Pls sir is ND form still available?
Is third choice accepted
No, it is advisable you make us your first choice, JAMB mostly give admission to students based on their first choice, I hope this is understood.
I want to know if the part form for hnd is still available sir.
Sales of form begins in September 2024.
does part program needs jamb? because for me I only have my ssce result
JAMB result is not needed for part time program.
does part-time Program need Jamb
Please is partime form out
Please is HND for for regular students on sale
Yes, please CLICK HERE to apply
Sir can I use my 2022 jamb to apply for an admission?
No, but you can go ahead with your application and participate in this ongoing JAMB registration process to get your JAMB result. Thanks.
please can I still buy the admission for 2023/24 session ???
Yes, CLICK HERE to apply
Pls sir
Is hnd form still available?
Good evening,is the admission form still available? Do I need jamb to apply for part time OND?
Yes, The admission form is still available, JAMB is not required for part time studies
Is the application form still on sale
Sir please since last year October I was offered admission but sadly because of financial situations I couldn’t pay my acceptance fee or make other payments. Would it be possible to still make my acceptance fee payment
Sir please I applied online yesterday and I don’t know when is the screening date
Next week Tuesday
Please when is the date of screening for 2023/2024 secession?
Next week Tuesday
Have tried to login to my portal it’s not working sir
Sir please wen is screening I applied online last week I don’t know what to do next. No date for screening
Try to be available for screening by next week Tuesday
Please o I need help after applying to the school what’s next
i have just been offered admission on jamb caps from edo poly and i didnt choose the school, i accepted the admission and proceeded to fill the form after paying N5000. i don’t know what next to do
You will need to apply for admission through our website here.
Sir pls I just got admitted HND
And I want to pay my acceptance fee but there have not given me student id how will I do this ?
Send me your detail
Good afternoon, please how can I check my admission profile, I have been offered admission already.
Yes, login with the same credential that was sent to your mail during registration, if you need further help, you may contact us again.
Good afternoon sir pls what’s the process for partime ND program and if the form is out now what’s the process like sir pls
The process of application is same as of full time studies, click on “APPLY NOW” on the home page to apply.
Can I still apply for screening
Screening does not need to be applied for, have you applied for the admission?
How can I check my admission status I was told I got admitted
Login to your portal with the same credential that was sent to your mail during your application process.
Hello good day everyone, I’ve a Diploma certificate in Computer science From Iya Abubakar at Ahmadu Bello University. Do I still need Jamb before applying the school ?
If the Diploma program you did lasted for at least 2 years and JAMB was required at the point of entry, then you may proceed to Higher National Diploma (HND) with us.
Do you need jamb to apply for the admission in Edo poly
Is the application form still available?
Those that went for screening on Thursday has them be given admition
Please is hnd part time program form still available
Please sir what’s the administration requirements for hnd part time program I have nd in banking and finance
Same as for full time, except JAMB result, please check our “admission requirement” page for further info.
Hello sir,i applied for ND and their is No date in my registration slip for screening .I don’t know how to go about it Thanks.
Screening comes up on Thursday,28th of September
Hello good morning, I applied for part time, how do I know if I have gotten the admission thanks
Please, attend the screening exercise in the 28th of this month.
Good evening, please what time and venue ?
10am, in Edo Poly, Usen
How much for hostel accommodation
Please, check our fee breakdown page
Good day sir. On my jamb portal it says I haven’t been offered admission and my jamp caps page shows nothing. On the student portal I’ve already been offered professional admission, should I go ahead and pay my acceptance fee and other fees while jamb hasn’t offered me admission yet🤧
Yes go ahead if you have chosen Edo poly as your first choice with JAMB, then make sure you upload your o level result to JAMB portal for quick processing, your JAMB admission letter is important at the point of your final clearance in our school. Thanks.
How can I start my online clearance it is showing Mr to input Activation code how am I going to get that na which kind school be this self
Ask your question with good manner, then you will get the right answer. Thanks.
Okay good morning Sir so sorry about that is just that no instructions to follow on how to do things on the website… And besides when is the school resuming lectures for new students I live far away so I want to know so I can bring my things..
Lectures resumes for the new intakes on Monday, 18th, September, 2023.
You can do everything you need to do as a student through your student’s portal.
You can get your student’s portal detail by login into with the same detail that was sent to your mail during registration.
If you are finding anything difficult to do, You can resume to school, provided that you have been offered an admission, we can help you when you visit ICT unit in the school.
Note that if you are not able to book your hostel before leaving for school, you will need to arrive during the day so that it can be done for you in ICT, if you need any other info, please ask. Thanks.
Okay but I don’t want to stay inside school I will get an apartment off campus must I still book for accomodations and what about the Activation code how do I get it
You don’t need to book accommodation if you don’t want to stay in the hostel.
Your activation code is on your acceptance receipt, if you have paid acceptance fee, download the receipt, you will see the code on it.
Thanks a lot
You are welcome
Is form out for ND
Yes, You may apply now.
When is school resuming how are we going to get the circular
The school resumes on Friday, 15th September, 2023.
The part time program…is the exams also on weekends?
And how many years is the part time program for ND?
All Part time program activities holds on weekends and last for 3 academic sessions.
Sir please I still don’t understand….3 academic session for each year?
Sir my ask was how many years will the ND program take?
2 semesters make an academic session, an academic session runs within a year, 3 academic sessions make 3 years of the whole program. You have 3 years to spend as a part time student for your ND program and 3 years also for HND. Note that this is not the same for full time programs.
Will the school help student to change their date of birth if there’s mistake
Yes, you may visit ICT department after you have been given admission.
How to check if you have be given admition
Login to your dashboard with the same detail that was sent your mail during registration.
When is freshers resuming school?
And when will the academic calendar be out?
The school resumes on Friday, 15th September, 2023.
Pls when is school resuming
The school resumes on Friday, 15th September, 2023.
Sir I have successfully applied for Edopoly what’s next please
How do I check my admission
Login to your dashboard with the detail that was sent to your mail during registration.
When is resumption date for the new intake sir?
The school resumes on Friday, 15th September, 2023.
Please do per time student go for NYSC as well